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Promoting Reason in a modern world.
In a modern era of skyscapers and technology, so many people are still side-tracked by false belief systems that are not based on reason. Reason allows us humans to think, to anticipate and to invent. It is what separates us from all the animals and inanimate matter on Earth.
At The Church of Reason, we promote the use of this highest faculty to avoid beliefs based on bad evidence. We promote science and the art of happiness.
We will not try to change your religion. Religion has offered comfort to many people throughout the centuries. But to our members, knowing is believing.
Life is short, but it is amazing and can be fun.
OUR MESSAGE : Let's be reasonable and love life again!
"Reason is the ability to discern how to survive. This virtue is fundamental and
is hinged on the glorious premise that knowledge is attainable in this life.
The real choice is to think or not to think.
That is the question.."